14 January 2009

Art Challenge 2009

As a writer and artist, I'm a member of a number of email groups that I subscribed to in order to keep in touch with interesting items in both industries. I read through most of the email fairly quickly, deleting subsequent posts if the thread is irrelevant to me. Last year, however, an assemblage artist (yay, Stacy) challenged herself to create one 3x3 piece of art each day. By the end of the year she amazingly created 365 stunning little masterpieces.

I was so impressed by this that I decided to challenge myself for 2009. I knew that there was no way I could even attempt a one-a-day project. (Truth be told, I'm still working on my 2007 to-do list.) But I did think that I had it in me to set a monthly goal. So here it is, my very own Art Challenge 2009.

Each month I will create four (4) 4"x4" pieces of art. It's my 4x4x4 challenge.
The parameters are:
1. Four pieces of mixed media art, each with a finished size of 4"x4".
2. Each month's work will have a cohesive theme and technique.
3. I will incorporate as many techniques as I can learn/implement throughout the year on a variety of supports.

Not overly complex, but enough of a goal to get my creative juices flowing. And create I did. Here are my January results.

January Series: "I Resolve..."

The paintings are ink and watercolor on paper. They are mounted on mat board covered with handmade paper and stamped in metallic ink.

The pieces were then spattered with metallic gold acrylic and sealed with semigloss gel medium.

I think I found a happy size to work with. Small enough to manage, yet big enough to actually try some media techniques. This might actually work!

Of course, I also have a list of goals for my writing, business, family, home improvements, personal life, social obligations, fitness, diet, reading list, education... You get the picture.

Hopefully next year at this time, I'll at least have 48 4"x4" little gems in my accomplished pile!

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